Powerball Mania is Starting Once Again

News provided by lotto365 on Monday 29th Feb 2016

Since the last record Jackpot of $1.6 Billion was won on the Powerball by 3 very lucky Americans, the Powerball Jackpot has started growing in stature.

Julie Anderson, Customer Service manager from www.Lotto365.com, has noticed a steady growth in ticket sales as each rollover draw garners more interest.

She said “We know that at $40 Million people are still reeling from the fact they didn't win the $1.6 Billion. But as the memory of it fades and big Jackpots are on offer people start raising a renewed interest.”

“We have no idea where the interest will peak, maybe the Powerball will reach the dizzy heights of a billion or more again soon but in the meantime the current Jackpot of $292 Million isn't something anyone should sniff at.”

“I for one will definitely be buying my tickets today, I can live happily off a small % of the Jackpot, thanks.”

When asked about playing the lottery online Julie replied www.Lotto365.com is a very safe and secure way of playing the Lotteries that normally wouldn't be accessible to people living outside of the Lottery's Country.” “We make sure that all tickets are accounted for and players don't have the problem of having a lost or damaged ticket as they are scanned to the players' accounts and kept in a secure place until the draw has been made.”

“We haven't had any massive Jackpot winners as yet but since we have started selling our MegaLines tickets the chances have increased greatly so we are hoping for one soon.”

Julie also was very pleased to have the opportunity to plug the fact that www.Lotto365.com was able to offer huge discounts on their “Never-miss-a-draw” subscriptions and a great selection of Special Offers and Combo tickets.

For those yet unfamiliar with what online lottery is all about it is quite a simple but very effective concept.

People utilize a website to purchase tickets for Official lotteries from pretty much anywhere in the World. After the purchase has been confirmed the players' numbers are then relayed to agents around the World to buy those tickets from Official retailers.

The only downside of this process is being able to purchase the tickets before the draw has ended so online lottery sites have to close the draws a few hours before the draw is made to ensure the tickets have been registered.

The draw-ending problem has been partially solved by Lotto365.com since they have introduced MegaLines whereby lots of lines have been pre-purchased and then resold as Entries so that players' have a better chance of winning at a lower overall cost.

There are also many promotions that can be used as an incentive for players to buy MegaLines such as free tickets and additional loyalty points that players can convert for more lines.

www.Lotto365.com concentrates on offering a very friendly user experience and a great customer service to back it up which is why we are writing about them.

More information about Lotot365 can be found on https://www.lotto365.com/

Contact Details:

Company: Lotto365

Name: Julie Anderson

Email: support@lotto365

Website: www.lotto365.com

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of lotto365, on Monday 29 February, 2016. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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Powerball Mania is Starting Once Again

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