Increase Your Productivity With Millipic's Top Tips

News provided by Millipic on Tuesday 8th Aug 2017

Successful entrepreneurs are always seeking ways to maximise their time in order to get more done. And for the sales and marketing firm Millipic, increasing the productivity of their workforce sits high on their agenda for setting themselves apart from their competition.

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In a seminar held for their contractors last week, Millipic outlined some of their top tips to help their young professionals reach their potential by ensuring that are taking productive measure to fulfil their goals.

As one of Newcastle's freshest sales and direct marketing firms, Millipic believes that it is important to set high industry standards and are determined to become industry leaders in their field. The firm feels that the most effective way to do this is to make sure that they are optimising their productivity levels and putting strategies in place that get the best out of their workforce.

Last week, the firm held a seminar for their contractors, where they shared some of their top productivity tips, which were designed to help their contractors achieve more in less time.

Define your goals from the very start - Millipic believes that truly productive people have clear objectives and know exactly what they need to do in order to turn their goals into achievements. During the session, Millipic advised their contractors to set out short and long term goals for themselves and also suggested that they should make sure that they understand their motivations behind wanting to achieve their goals in order to maintain their drive and determination.

Put systems in place that will help achieve your goals - Millipic explained to their contractors that as budding entrepreneurs, their number one goal would be to build an innovative and successful business. The firm stated that in order for them to achieve this goal, they would need to ensure that they have good systems in place that will help them achieve their goals.

Try to avoid multitasking - According to research conducted by the University of London found that constant emailing and text-messaging reduces mental capability by an average of 10 points on an IQ test. Researchers suggested that using these tools, while also attempting to complete other important tasks can be detrimental to an individual's overall intelligence. Millipic believes that in order to stay productive, professionals should aim to focus on doing one task at a time to an exceptional standard instead of attempting many tasks all at once at a low standard.

Always ask for help - Millipic's forward-thinking business model creates a culture of ongoing training and support. This means that their young professionals are regularly mentored by industry professionals with a wealth of experience that they are willing to pass on. Millpic believes that by creating a supporting culture that encourages individuals to seek help whenever they need to, individuals are more likely to increase their productivity levels and succeed in their chosen field.


Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Millipic, on Tuesday 8 August, 2017. For more information subscribe and follow

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