Caking all over the World

News provided by CakeFlix on Wednesday 25th Mar 2020


In these unprecedented times, top cake artists from around the world have united to put together a 15 hours of live cake demonstrations on Saturday 28th of March on Facebook/CakeFlix. The event is completely free and will be live allowing anyone to view and interact with these top cake stars.

The show will start in New Zealand and include artists from Australia, India, Spain, England, Wales, Scotland, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, South Africa and the USA.


With so many people around the world #stayathome, the artists were keen to reach out to help release the stresses and strains brought on by the Covid-19 crisis.

There will be no selling, just strictly entertaining and informative lighthearted fun, to help take viewers minds off what’s happening.

Almost all cake artists are self-employed, and like many people, have been badly affected financially as a result of the crisis. They have had to close their doors, turn away orders, cancel classes and even provide refunds in some cases. Cake artists are feeling the brunt of the financial implications brought about by imposed closure. However, this just shows what a resilient and helpful bunch they are, looking to entertain in the best way they can and reach as many households as possible to brighten up their day.


The next four weeks have already been filled with top artists and industry celebrities. That’s four, 15 hour cake marathons all fully booked! The response to the call has been amazing. Every single one has their own story of why they want to help, but all share the common goal of doing whatever they can to lift spirits.

Where did it all start?

With so many people in society already struggling with loneliness and depression, lockdowns are inevitably going to increase their suffering. Even those without a clinical diagnosis, may need some stimulation to break the routine or boredom that is likely to creep in for some.

Paul Bradford and David Brice, owners of CakeFlix, had already been in full lockdown for 7 days. They could see that other countries were soon to follow suit and that there was no real end in sight.

While health service and frontline workers are the true heroes in this crisis, they thought that there must be something that they could do to help.

Paul and David have a filming studio at home, fiber optic internet connection, Facebook page, extensive reach in the cake community and linked to the world’s top cake artists. It didn’t take much thinking about to work out how to pull these resources together.

David said “The response to this has been amazing. If this event can help even just one or two people, then it will all have been worthwhile.”

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of CakeFlix, on Wednesday 25 March, 2020. For more information subscribe and follow

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