Why Have a Role Model? Asks Paragon Acquisitions

News provided by Paragon Acquisitions on Tuesday 18th Aug 2015

Paragon Acquisitions investigates the importance of having a role model in order to establish personal goals.

It has long been recognized by the business industry, that an individual's decisions and choices are often influenced by the behaviour of others, the identity others portray and the examples demonstrated by those important to them. Paragon Acquisitions has investigated the presence of Entrepreneurial role models and the specific functions they perform in effecting an individual's behaviour.

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In a study recently conducted by the Erasmus School of Economics, interviewing 292 classified Entrepreneurs, they concluded that there was an overwhelming significance in the part role models played in an individual's critical decision to pursue an entrepreneurial career. Of these Entrepreneurs, 81% had a role model before starting up their venture and 63% had a role model within the first three years of the business.

From Paragon Acquisition's recent research into Entrepreneurship, the company concluded that this choice of career is rapidly on the rise. Therefore, the need for valuable role models has never been more important in the industry. Everyone has a person who they are inspired by, whether it is a personal relative, famous icon or family friend. Through studies, such as the one conduct by the Erasmus School, the actions of these role models and their effects on our own behaviour is becoming ever clearer.

Paragon Acquisitions argues that role models have four main purposes, which in turn affect our behavior in making future decisions. Firstly, for inspiration and motivation; forming a desperate need in an individual to better themselves either professionally or personally. Secondly, to increase self-efficacy; by creating confidence within an individual such as 'if he/she can do it, why can't I?' Thirdly, by being an example, leading from the front they set guidelines and expectations for certain behavior. Lastly, by creating support and giving advice, either by updating a blog or during an interview on TV for a magazine, or even at home or around the house.

From the studies Paragon Acquisitions have seen, it is evident the positive effect having a role model who inspires you can have. Therefore, it is clear that it is a very common thing to attempt to follow in the footsteps of someone you aspire to be like. The CEO of Paragon Acquisitions provides his opinion on the importance of having an inspirational role model "It is crucial to have a role model, someone to aspire to and replicate successes of, it helps create vision and focus."

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Paragon Acquisitions , on Tuesday 18 August, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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Why Have a Role Model? Asks Paragon Acquisitions

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