White Stuff is Not the Right Stuff

News provided by Pressat Wire on Wednesday 17th Sep 2014

Scientific report details why dairy does more harm than good

A new scientific report by campaigning group Viva!Health blasts the myth that cow's milk and dairy products are natural, wholesome and healthy.

Authored by Dr Justine Butler, this substantial report of 124 pages with over 500 references, provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive review of the available science linking milk consumption and human health.

It vividly illustrates the surprisingly high number of detrimental effects dairy can have on the human body. White Lies reveals so much research that each chapter is dedicated to a particular health issue. The links between dairy products and acne, allergies, some cancers and eczema are well established but White Lies expands the list to include colic, constipation, coronary heart disease, arthritis, gallstones and many other conditions. Each assertion is supported by recent scientific research, making the report essential reading for healthcare professionals, students of nutrition and dietetics as well as anyone interested in their own health. The report also tackles the extraordinarily successful marketing strategies of the dairy industry, backed by government, which has helped to obscure the damaging nature of cow's milk.

Hard science is backed with fascinating background information on how people started consuming cow's milk in some countries but not others. Just one of the starkest facts is that most people in the world don't consume dairy yet experience the lowest rates of osteoporosis. Those who consume the most dairy tend to have the highest rates. White Lies explains why this is and why dairy is not the cure for weak bones but part of the cause.

The definitive White Lies report, by Dr Justine Butler, is available from www.whitelies.org.uk/resources/white-lies-report-2014 and is free to download. A paper copy costing £5.50 can be ordered via the same link or on 0117 944 1000 (Mon-Fri, 9-5).


Press Contact:

If you would like a review copy, further information or to commission an article, email justine@viva.org.uk or veronica@viva.org.uk or call 0117 944 1000.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Wednesday 17 September, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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White Stuff is Not the Right Stuff

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