Velodrome Is Transformed Into 45 Brand New Affordable Houses

News provided by Pressat Wire on Monday 17th Nov 2014

derelict site in Leicester which was once home to the country's national velodrome has been given a new lease of life as a brand new housing development thanks to a partnership between Westleigh, the Asra Housing Group and Leicester City Council.

The £4.8 million scheme, on Saffron Lane, has seen disused land transformed into 45 new affordable homes which includes a mix of two four-bedroom properties, 13 three-bedroom houses, 20 two-bedroom homes, including two bungalows, and 10 one-bedroom apartments. Five of the properties have also been designed specifically for wheelchair users.

The development, which has been built by leading Leicestershire house builder Westleigh, is served by a new, signal controlled junction, off Saffron Lane, which was funded through a £500,000 loan from the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP); a further £1 million was provided for the scheme through the Homes and Communities Agency.

Gary Turner, Head of Investment and Partnership at Westleigh, commented, "We're thrilled to have been involved in putting this site back to good use for the benefit of the community.

"New housing is in high demand in the city and we're pleased to provide such a diverse range of new homes to suit all needs and tastes."

Michele Walker, Asra's Programme Delivery Manager for the Midlands, said, "We're really proud to be delivering much needed affordable housing in Leicester. By working with the local authority we have brought it back to life and it will now become home to many local people."

Nick Pulley, Chair of the LLEP, said, "This development is a perfect example of how the Government's Growing Places Fund has helped to bring a derelict brownfield site back into social and community use.

"The LLEP is pleased to have been able to contribute to the success of this exemplary affordable housing scheme."

City Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby said: "This scheme has created some much-needed new affordable homes in Leicester – and given a boost to the local construction industry.

"I am delighted that the city council was able to provide the land for the scheme and that our partnership with Westleigh and Asra has enabled a derelict site to be transformed into this new community of 45 homes."

Westleigh is part of the Homes & Communities Agency Delivery Partner Panel on both the Midlands and Northern lots and work closely together with housing associations to build affordable new homes throughout the East and West Midlands, South Yorkshire and Cambridgeshire. For further information please call 0116 277 3324 or visit

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Velodrome Is Transformed Into 45 Brand New Affordable Houses

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