Too many people missing out on talking therapies, says charity

News provided by Pressat Wire on Monday 24th Nov 2014

The national charity Rethink Mental Illness has warned that too many people are missing out on potentially "life-changing" talking therapies.

In response to new research which suggests that talking therapies can reduce the risk of suicide among people who have previously attempted to take their own life, Mark Winstanley, CEO of Rethink Mental Illness, said:

"This research is more proof that talking therapies can be life-changing for people with mental illness. Everyone experiencing mental health problems should be offered this treatment, but too often people have to wait years to receive talking therapies, and many are missing out altogether.

"This needs to change. If you had a serious physical illness, you'd expect to get the full range of recommended treatments, so why should it be different for people with mental illness?

"The Government recently announced plans to introduce maximum waiting times for mental health services, including talking therapies, for the first time. Now it's vital that the NHS, Department of Health and Ministers work together to implement waiting times, so that everyone affected by mental illness gets the right treatment at the right time – especially people with severe conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder."


For more information, please contact Brian Semple, News and Media Manager for Rethink Mental Illness, on 0207 840 3043

Notes to editors

Rethink Mental Illness is a charity that believes a better life is possible for millions of people affected by mental illness.

For over 40 years we have brought people together to support each other. We run services and support groups that change people's lives and challenge attitudes about mental illness.

We directly support almost 60,000 people every year across England to get through crises, to live independently and to realise they are not alone.

We give information and advice to 500,000 more and we change policy for millions.

For more information go to

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Too many people missing out on talking therapies, says charity

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