Shaken Udder Milkshakes Go Back To School

News provided by Pressat Wire on Thursday 7th Aug 2014

Looking for something healthy and delicious to pack into your children's lunchboxes this term? Shaken Udder Kids are the perfect choice.

Offering a calcium-packed treat, that's high in nutrients, low in sugar and bursting with flavour, these school-approved milkshakes are loved by kids and adults alike.

Responding to the demand for drinks that offer vitamins and nutrients as well as flavour, Shaken Udder Kids make a delicious alternative to fruit juice and fizz for your children's lunchboxes.

Shaken Udder Kids milkshakes are available in 200ml cartons (£1.89 per triple pack) in Strawberry, Chocolate and Banana. They contain calcium, Vitamin B12 and are made with real ingredients. They are also gluten free and suitable for vegetarians. Shaken Udder Kids are available in Tesco, Sainsbury's and Waitrose stores.

For more press information, or to try Shaken Udder's Kids milkshakes, please contact Nikki Whiteford at Nicola Whiteford PR or call 07733 261843. To find out more about Shaken Udder please visit

[Note to Editors]

  • Shaken Udder launched in 2004 as a top-notch event based brand, bringing fresh, tasty and healthy milkshakes to festival goers across the country.
  • Shaken Udder Milkshakes come in two formats, its 330ml bottles in flavours Vanillalicious, Top Banana and Chocolush and its new kids cartons in Strawberry, Chocolate and Banana
  • Shaken Udder milkshakes are available from Tesco, Sainsbury's and Waitrose.
  • To find out more about Shaken Udder please

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Thursday 7 August, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

Milkshakes Food & Drink
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Shaken Udder Milkshakes Go Back To School

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