New Book - Herbal Exchanges Celebrating 150 Years of Herbal Medicine in the UK

News provided by Pressat Wire on Tuesday 7th Oct 2014

The National Institute of Medical herbalists (NIMH) is celebrating its 150th anniversary (1864 – 2014). This major milestone is being marked with a variety of events and the publication of a commemorative book.

Commissioned to celebrate this special occasion, Herbal Exchanges is an eclectic mix of articles written by prominent and distinguished herbalists from across the world.

The book is divided into themed sections. Herbal heritage includes a synopsis of the history of NIMH and an account of herbal medicine in practice during the First World War in the East End of London. Herbal research explores the outlook for herbal medicine, the role of herbalists and the learning we have obtained from plants. Herbal Experiences offers reflections on herbal medicine that give intriguing insights to the rich diversity of herbalists. Herbal therapeutics features articles ranging from the role of herbal medicine in managing the menace of antimicrobial resistance to premature ovarian failure and infertility. The final section, Herbal Philosophy shows how herbal medicine is articulated afresh in each age. Articles range from the Hippocratic Corpus, to complexity theory and a 'new' philosophy presented for our times by medical herbalist Jonathan Treasure as 'Western herbal medicine – back to the future'.

Contributors include Jonathan Treasure, Jan de Vries, Barbara Griggs, Alison Denham, Chanchal Cabrera, Michael McIntyre, Kerry Bone and many more.

Commenting on the book, reviewer Simon Mills said:

"The last 150 years is important – it has allowed an evolution from a traditional medicine for coping with life-threatening illnesses, before ambulances, powerful modern synthetic medicines and hospitals, to one that can live alongside these services and meet their shortfalls. Only in Britain, and now in its vigorous former out-reaches, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa, has herbal practice developed autonomy as a health service that can truly complement the dominant medical system". Simon Mills is a Herbal Practitioner and Co-founder of Living Medicine. A former President of The National Institute of Medical Herbalists he was appointed by the Prince of Wales as Chairman of the Regulatory Working Group on his Foundation for Integrated Medicine.

Commenting on the launch of the book NIMH President Laura Stannard said:

'Seeing Herbal Exchanges progress from an initial concept to published book has been remarkable. NIMH is one of Britain's institutional treasures – an organisation of medical professionals with the highest standards of duty and care for their patients. Millions of people in the United Kingdom rely on herbal medicines for their good health – this is in no small part due to the dedication of NIMH members over the past 150 years'.

Copies of Herbal Exchanges are available via the NIMH website

The ISBN number for the book is 978-1-909277-08-3 and the recommended retail price (RRP) is £12.99 and will be launched at the 150th Annual NIMH Conference being held in Nottingham 9-12 October 2014.


Notes for Editors

The National Institute of Medical Herbalists is the UK's leading professional body representing herbal medicine practitioners and is the oldest herbal institution in the world.

First established as the National Association of Medical Herbalists in 1864, today the National Institute of Medical Herbalists has more than 700 members across the UK and beyond.

The Institute promotes the benefits of herbal medicine and oversees the provision of the best patient care through the work of its members.

NIMH members undergo a lengthy training programme before they can register as qualified medical herbalists. Practitioners train for at least three years and adhere to a strict code of conduct before they can gain MNIMH or FNIMH after their name. Recently qualified practitioners will have taken a BSc in Phytotherapy (herbal medicine). All NIMH-registered herbalists are fully insured, and follow a strict code of conduct.

NIMH-registered medical herbalists take a holistic approach to treating illness. Herbalists treat a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and frequently work in collaboration with GPs and consultants to achieve the best combination of treatments for individual patients.

For further information please contact:

NIMH Head Office, Clover House, James Court, South Street, Exeter, Devon EX1 1EE

Tel: (01392) 426022. Fax: (01392) 498963


Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Tuesday 7 October, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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New Book - Herbal Exchanges Celebrating 150 Years of Herbal Medicine in the UK

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