Mayor of Camden to join Age UK Camden at volunteer celebration

News provided by Age UK Camden on Wednesday 24th May 2017

On 8 June, as part of Volunteers’ Week, Age UK Camden will be recognising the contribution of its volunteers at a special event with the Mayor of Camden.

As well as acknowledging the long service of volunteers, the charity is giving special awards for the outstanding contribution of individuals, in memory of Margaret Hepburn who was a long time supporter of Age UK Camden and a life long community activist in the borough. The awards will be presented by the Mayor of Camden, who will also give a speech, and the event is being sponsored by Crosstree and United Living.

Age UK Camden is an independent charity that helps older people to stay active, stay connected and get the most out of life. They have more than 400 volunteers who contribute to a range of services from befriending to information and advice.

Gary Jones, Chief Executive said: “We simply could not provide such a range of high quality services and support without our volunteers. They make a real difference to the quality of life of older people – helping them access services or benefits, be less isolated, improve their wellbeing, have fun, and contribute to the community.”

As well as the awards all active Age UK Camden volunteers will receive a certificate of acknowledgement during Volunteers’ Week.

For more information on the awards please contact Emma Doyle, Communications Manager. Images will be available after the event.

Find out more about volunteering with Age UK Camden.

@NCVOvolunteers #volunteersweek

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Age UK Camden, on Wednesday 24 May, 2017. For more information subscribe and follow

Camden Volunteer Volunteers' Week Older People Awards Mayor Of Camden Charities & non-profits
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Age UK Camden

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Mayor of Camden to join Age UK Camden at volunteer celebration

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