Make your products irresistible to customers using Penmex’s advice

News provided by Penmex on Thursday 6th Aug 2015

Penmex in Edinburgh shares their secrets to creating a highly desirable product that will generate high demand from customers.

For businesses to create a strong brand and become a long-lasting household name, creating highly desirable products is a must. Penmex know that the consumer is at an advantage. With a highly competitive market they are spoilt for choice, and with strong market saturation being the case in most sectors, businesses need to be innovative and remain one step ahead of the market to become a game changer.

About Penmex :

Penmex, a successful promotional marketing firm, believes that the best way to present a new product to the market is to actually get the customers to interact with it. Penmex believe it is important to allow a platform for customers to touch, feel, use and question the product. Mixed with the correct promotional team, it allows customers to identify with a product, visualise it becoming part of their lives and observing how it can create a solution for the customer. Any queries can be answered, which can eliminate doubt on a product and allow the promotional team to create a positive image around a product. Penmex believe that the same can be done for existing products to reinvent interest or introduce to new markets and generate new interest and customers.

Penmex offers two ways businesses can consider marketing their products to make them irresistible to the customer:

Features vs Benefits – Penmex believe that businesses need to adopt an alternative approach when promoting their products. Most customers aren't interested in what the product is. What they really want to know is what it will do to make their lives better. So rather than focusing on detailed features of the products, Penmex highlight to potential customers the benefits they will receive if they purchase the product.

Power of Reverse Psychology – Penmex consider another very effective sales technique such as using reverse psychology to motivate potential customers into wanting the product even more. What this means is creating a sense of indifference towards the customer. It would be best used towards the end of a customer interaction, and it comes from suggesting that the customer may not be quite ready for the product. Focusing on the product's selling point, it creates a feeling of desire in the customer to become stronger as they feel they are losing their right to the product. This puts the customer on the defensive because, of course, those are exactly the benefits they want. Otherwise they wouldn't be considering the product. Sometimes this can motivate them into purchasing the product just to prove a sales person wrong.

Penmex were established in response to an ever growing need for below-the-line marketing solutions, as recent research has suggested that consumers are experiencing brand fatigue as a result of repeated exposure to above-the-line marketing. Businesses from a range of industries choose to outsource their marketing needs to Penmex, as the Edinburgh-based firm's services offer a high return on investment, as well as being risk-free and incredibly cost-effective.

Penmex specialise in product promotions, which is just as important as creating an innovative product. For a market launch to be successful, it has to meet the target audience in a memorable way so that it can successfully forge a place in the market.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Penmex, on Thursday 6 August, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow

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Make your products irresistible to customers using Penmex’s advice

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