Jörg Hofmann And Johan Järvklo New Members of Volkswagen Ag Supervisory Board

News provided by Pressat Wire on Friday 20th Nov 2015

Upon application by the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG, Mr. Jörg Hofmann (59), First Chairman of IG Metall, and Mr. Johan Järvklo (42), Representative of the Swedish Metal Workers' Union at Scania, were appointed members ofthe Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG by Braunschweig Local Court – Hofmann effective November 20, 2015, Järvklo effective November 22, 2015. The appointments were made pursuant to Section 104 of the Aktiengesetz (German Stock Corporation Act) and were occasioned by the recent resignations of Mr. Berthold Huber (65) and Mr. Hartmut Meine (63), who laid down their mandates on the Supervisory Board with due notice.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG, Hans Dieter Pötsch, thanked the departing Supervisory Board members for so many years of service on the executive body. He extended special thanks to Berthold Huber, who held the office of interim Chairman of the Supervisory Board for several months this year: “Mr. Berthold Huber shouldered great responsibility during a critical phase andhelped to strengthen our company. He brought the full weight of his experience and authority to bear in the service of our Company. We are particularly grateful to him for that.”

Dr. Wolfgang Porsche, who is a member of the Executive Committee anda representative of the family shareholders on the Supervisory Board, underscored: “As Chairman of IG Metall, Berthold Huber was instrumental indeveloping innovative and flexible collective agreements that safeguarded jobs in German industry without compromising the competitiveness of companies. He was a resolute negotiating partner, always willing to compromise, free from ideology and therefore respected byall. More than once, he displayed courage in critical situations and assumed personal responsibility. On behalf of the shareholders I would like to express our warm appreciation of that. For me, he has always been a moral role model.”

Bernd Osterloh, member of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the General and Group Works Councils of Volkswagen AG, said: “I have known Berthold Huber for almost 30 years. I have always respected him as someone who is a good listener and a fair sparring partner, willing to search for the right decisions. That has proved particularly valuable during the past difficult weeks. Berthold Huber has played a key role for Volkswagen and for our colleagues. I would like to express my sincere thanks for that. I am sure he will continue to support us in future. Hissuccessor is Jörg Hofmann, the new First Chairman of IG Metall, who has agreed to join Europe's largest automaker. The appointment of Johan Järvklo from Sweden sends a clear signal that as employee representatives we feel it is important to give our colleagues from international locations the opportunity to participate inthe highest executive body.”

Volkswagen Group Communications
Head of Corporate & Business Communications Eric Felber
Phone: +49 (0) 5361 / 9-87575
E-mail: eric.felber@volkswagen.de

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Friday 20 November, 2015. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

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