CV-Library's Talent Pool Reaches 8 Million

News provided by Pressat Wire on Thursday 30th Oct 2014

The growth of the UK's economy shows no signs of relenting, nor it seems does the desire of candidates looking for a new job as the festive season approaches.

With the job market currently booming, and Christmas around the corner, the number of job seekers registering to career and job sites is also at an all-time high. In the month of September alone, 185,000 CVs were registered to CV-Library – the equivalent of one every 15 seconds.

"September is always a busy month for recruitment," said Lee Biggins, Managing Director of CV-Library, "and this year was no exception. Professionals are showing no signs of slowing their search for a new job, and with the market displaying all the vital signs of continued growth, we are seeing more applications to jobs across all sectors than ever before."

"We have over 8,000 recruiters and employers using our services on a weekly basis, and we continually look to develop innovative ways for those actively involved in recruitment to engage with job seekers,"" continued Biggins. "Our one-click social job posting is incredibly successful, giving those wishing to advertise their roles to an ever-expanding audience yet another channel to leverage."

CV-Library's top five tips to successful recruitment over the festive season:

1. Get your jobs posted in good time - don't wait until the beginning of December to post jobs for Christmas - give yourself (and candidates) as much time as possible to plan and prepare.

2. Choose where you advertise carefully - short-term, seasonal jobs need to be advertised quickly and in a cost-effective manner, so think about where you place them.

3. Create exciting and engaging adverts - competition for staff is fierce over the festive period, so create job adverts that stand out and appeal to your target audience.

4. Stay up to date with candidates - with thousands of new CVs added every day, ensure that you're receiving automated alerts, and that they are being monitored.

5. Keep candidates in the loop - recent findings show that your brand can suffer when you don't respond to applications or provide feedback, so ensure you get in contact, either via phone or over email.

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Pressat Wire, on Thursday 30 October, 2014. For more information subscribe and follow

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CV-Library's Talent Pool Reaches 8 Million

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